Taxation & Tax Planning

As tax advisers, our objective is to work closely with you to ensure you pay the minimum tax required by law.
We will help you to understand the tax implications of your actions, in order that you can plan ahead and conduct your affairs in a tax-efficient way.

Tax returns – Personal and Business

We provide personal and Business tax planning to a variety of clients. Whether you are a sole trader, Partnership, Company Director, Investor or high-income earner our team are able to ensure that your Self-Assessment Tax Return (SATR) is completed by the necessary deadline, having claimed the reliefs available to you.

Corporation Tax

The increased reporting obligations, investigation policies on the part of the tax authorities and harsher penalties for non-compliance mean that your time and resources can be taken up with tax administration. We will help to minimize corporate tax exposure and relieve the administrative burden of compliance with current tax legislation. Effective corporate tax planning can also result in significant improvements in your bottom line.

Company self-assessment

We have the expertise and software to take the headache out of the form filling and compliance aspect of Self Assessment. We can provide you with practical advice on personal tax positions and the planning opportunities available to you. We can complete tax returns, calculate any tax liability and advise you on exactly when to make payments and how much to pay.

Tax Compliance

We can help to ensure that you comply with the regulations and that over payments are not made. To help you manage this complex area, we provide an efficient, cost-effective service.

Capital Gains Tax

Disposal of assets can result in significant tax charges; charges which may be reduced with effective per-transaction planning. We can assist you in this planning and advise you on options to minimize your exposure.

Tax Planning

Everyone who is subject to taxation needs professional advice and support if they are to optimize their tax position. Our specialist tax team can provide you with year-round advice on all aspects of personal taxation

Tax Health Check

Specialist tax advice is a must for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and that’s why we at BSTS & Associates provide tax health checks to all sectors of industry. These checks can not only ensure you remain compliant with all relevant legislation, they could also help you save money on future taxation issues. A tax health check can bring you the peace of mind to know that your tax affairs are in order, freeing you up to concentrate on running your business. Over the years, changes to tax legislation can have a major effect on your compliance without you even becoming aware of it, so a review by the experts is vital.


Ever changing regulations and the growing demands of GRA mean VAT compliance can be a difficult administrative process. We can help to ensure that you comply with the regulations and that over payments are not made.
To help you manage this complex area, we provide an efficient, cost-effective VAT service, which includes: 1. Assistance with VAT registration. 2. Advice on VAT planning and administration. 3. Use of the most appropriate scheme. 4. VAT control and reconciliation. 5. Help with completing VAT returns. 6. Planning to minimize future problems with Ghana Revenue Authority.
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